New Catalogue Launched
Vibromech’s Catalogue 2018 has been launched in the first week of Sep 2018. Visit the online catalogue [View Catalogue] to know more about our award-winning product – the Harmonic Detuner. The catalogue discusses extensively about Dampolator, Isolator – Decoupling Pulley, Viscous Damper, Paddle Wheel – Viscous, Flow Form & Metal Pulleys, and more. Please do visit the page that addresses ways to detect spurious products and imitations.
Two New Product Groups Added
Two new product groups have been added, namely Bearing brackets and Marine couplings respectively.
Bearing brackets are a support, guide or locating piece for bearings. The bearing bracket assembly consists of bearing bracket, retaining ring, bolt, snubber and split washer. We fabricate fine quality bearing brackets which are comprehensively used in various automotive applications.
Marine couplings are power transmission components used in a vessel’s propeller system to accommodate misalignment and vibration and to ensure that the engine and the driven members are coupled to work in perfect harmony. Marine coupling consists of elastomer elements which can accommodate the movement in all directions and reduce the torque fluctuations transmitted. Vibromech is capable of manufacturing marine coupling with a range of torsional stiffness, which can be selected to optimize the torsion-vibration behavior of drive-line system such that minimum alternating torque load can be achieved.